
When I tell people I own a corporate mobile chair massage company in Houston TX, they often ask how much does it cost to hire a masseuse? I quickly inform them that I don’t hire masseuses but that I hire Licensed Massage Therapists.  The difference can be minor or major depending on which meani...

In this short article you will be able make an informed decision on where to begin and how to proceed, if you have had a severe joint injury.  At the end of this article I have include a link to receive a quick reference chart to help you make a quick informed decision.

  If you have had ...

Why I love Massage Therapists

    I have always been active in multiple sports including weight lifting.  In my early 20s I injured my shoulder due to over training. The medical term for this is  Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).  The doctor I visited said that if I kept weight training, I would ...